The introduction to Africa begins with Egypt, and we will follow the migratory paths along the Red Sea, Sudan, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia, and return to Mauritania. Along the Mediterranean is Libya, Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco. There are still many surprises that demonstrate the expansion of peoples from the first "circuit". Then we drive along the Atlantic coast by probing each country to feel its prehistoric pulse. It shows a tendency to assess (superficially) the degree of penetration of migrants and their archaic or prehistoric level "modern". I mean the trappings of an event like the cave paintings or metallurgy that arises spontaneously. Again, it is appropriate to differentiate here also the chopping tool, flint hit millions of years old and Solutrean point.
We are finally arrived in the Promised Land of Ra-Ta, modern and ancient Egypt. We traveled all the way migration and you could discover the seeds of many civilizations, with varying success according to men that governed. And we have seen that the current balance is not bright shiny… Museums and capitals are filled with riches and peoples always starving with the end of the world (or world) announced by the Mayan calendar in 2012…