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A to Z Aviation and Airline

A to Z Aviation and Airline
A to Z Aviation and Airline
Auteur(s) : Cherif Haberih
Editeur : JePublie
Référence : 9782954719009

Short of not more than 200 pages, this book is the whole vocabulary from A to Z for Aviation and Airline.
This is a fascinating field of study and interests. In fact so many students and professionals are captivated by the exotic way of life of Aviation and Airline Business.
The method of this guide is practical and easy.
This guide intends to mediate the basic vocabulary of the Aviation and Airline industry. This book can also be used for studying English a second language and for students having a particular interest in this line of business.
More and more people are becoming fond of Aviation and Airline, therefore I have the pleasure to introduce this guide to help you achieving your goals, and realize your dreams.

Avec un peu moins de 200 pages, ce livre contient un vocabulaire complet de A a Z pour l'aviation et l'aéronautique.
C'est un sujet fascinant, qui pour les etudiants ou des professionels, saura captiver tout votre intérêt, et par la même occasion vous fera pratiquer la langue anglaise.