Systems are fashionable but this term is used with such ease that it often hides the wealth of concepts that it implies. This is why this brochure provides, to non-initiated readers and specialists alike, a decidedly didactic approach with concrete examples, realistic role-plays and historical anecdotes.
Using Systems Engineering as its pretext, this awareness book offers a non-expert tour but one that is faithful to key notions to master these famous systems. Prefaced by the president of the French Association on Systems Engineering, this dynamic, lavishly-illustrated text with simple synopsis is the definitive introduction to this burgeoning discipline.
Olivier Terrien is an electronics systems engineer in the defense sector. An active member of the French chapter of the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE), he is an Auditor for France’s Institution of Advanced Studies of National Defence (IHEDN). Passionate about History, he is raising awareness among a broad public about today’s omnipresent electronics and is popularizing techniques, methods and uses associated to this domain.