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The Little Mouse in The Kiwi - 2

The Little Mouse in The Kiwi - 2
The Little Mouse in The Kiwi - 2
Auteur(s) : Lawrence Saint Clar
Editeur : JePublie
Référence : 9782953873047

In this second collection, the author brings together fifteen little ebooks which are published on that he wanted them to be easy and comfortable to read.

In order to give you some sentences :

‘No time to admire and to breathe the perfume of a growing flower.’

‘What if life on Earth was just a simple experience, an experience to live…’

‘What if what we are lacking was only there to make us desire…’

‘Let me dry those few pearls of sorrow that are sleeping in your eyes.’

‘What makes a man worth is that he works behind the scenes to try to be a nice person.’

And so many others...