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The Little Mouse in The Kiwi - 4

The Little Mouse in The Kiwi - 4
The Little Mouse in The Kiwi - 4
Auteur(s) : Lawrence Saint Clar
Editeur : JePublie
Référence : 9791091839013

In this fourth collection, the author brings together twenty three little ebooks which are published on that he wanted to be easy and comfortable to read.

In order to give you some sentences:
“Without God’s existence life is meaningless,
everything would just be a mess…”
“Don’t say ‘I must do the washing-up!’ but rather ‘I will
clear and clean the kitchen to relieve stress and make’.”
“The future meals nicer. Do you need power
and much money to love yourself?”
“Don’t look on the outside ; but look inside yourself.”
“Love is a dandelion”…
and so many others…