What I call the rush to the East, you guessed it, dear reader, is the counterpart of the West in the US, a race to the best seats at the best land and game. Here there is no hunt for gold, but immediately set themselves up fortresses to defend the settlements. To believe that in ancient times, peace was not to be a constant. In short, this volume would be a northern style migration, the ancestor of the Silk Road, with all the countries crossed where we find prehistoric traces of the passage of the Modern Man, with surprisingly constant alphabet Glozel.
Follow your turn this amazing journey: it starts the Black Sea to go to China, entering under an Indo-European aspect of the center so little known of the great Eurasian continent. My player still understands very quickly why around the Black Sea have been established homes for thousands of people: they are obviously passing and assembly points; why the currency of Azerbaijan Manat 5 she has glozéliens characters and why they do they get to China.